DEEP STATES JAMES P. CHANDLER STOLE LEADER TECHNOLOGIES INVENTION TO IMPLEMENT C. I. A. MIND CONTROL VIA SOCIAL NETWORKINGThe IBM Internet of Things really started in 1. Nazi Germany with massive abuses of privacy, property genocide. C. I. A. employed hundreds of Nazi scientists in mass mind control research. C. I. A. refined AGITPROP agitation propaganda now being used to demonize undermine President Trump. Fig. 1 The IBM C. I. A. Internet of Things. IBM began supplying Adolf Hitler computers starting in about 1. Even then, they were promoting the concept of universal spying, using the sales byline See Everything with Hollerith IBM Punch Cards. The Nazi scientists who had refined Hitlers mass mind control systems were hired by the newly created C. I. A. in 1. 94. 7 to continue their research after the war. Most people have looked up to IBM as an ethical company, and now we find that IBMs central role today in the warrantless mass surveillance shows that they are carrying forward their immoral WWII practices. It is evident that IBM seeks today to install the same kind of fascist socialist crony capitalism that became so efficient at population control of unacceptables in Europe during WWIIfor which they were paid handsomely after the war. Their brazen theft in 2. Leader Technologies social networking inventionwithout regard for Leaders constitutional rightsis yet more evidence of their intention to keep an iron grip on the dataflow of the Internet for use in rogue C. I. A. inspired mass mind control. Graphic AFI. https tinyurl. Editorial, Sep. 0. He Fights. This is an important perspective on why the average, non elitist American supports President Donald J. Trump and strongly rejects MSM should be renamed C. The spiders on Martys walls are getting larger and more active and he appears to be increasingly more concerned that he has to explain his hallucinations to the world. The Wolf of Wall Street is a 2013 American biographical black comedy crime film directed by Martin Scorsese and written by Terence Winter, based on the memoir of the. Perhaps the only scientology PR who is still operating anywhere these days is Pat Harney in Clearwater. Though she doesnt make live media appearances or even. I. A. Mind Control Media MCM and its breathless, dishonest, Alinsky attempts to prevent their choice for President from doing the job we sent him to Washington to do. Evan Sayet. Sep. HE FIGHTS. Townhall. We fight. MSM must be defeated. Newly discovered, Sep. Whistleblower reveals C. I. A. funded social media mind control program. In 2. 01. 3, a DARPA Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency whistleblower revealed to fellow scientists an active C. I. A. mind control project that targeted Christianity and Islam. The documents were just uncovered by an AFI researcher. The secret government program sought to induce and disrupt religious narratives with desired propaganda. This project lead Steven R. Corman Ph. D. entered its implementation Phase III in the run up to the 2. The Arizona State project leaders are experts in Father of Fake News Steven R. Corman, Ph. D, ASU, C. I. A. Mind Control Narratives Researcher.
Christian or Islamic beliefs in the name of, naturally, controlling extremism. Editor The opposite is also true one learns how to incite extremism also. The program focused on finding trigger words and phrases that provoked desired emotional responses by using words in lieu of magnetic resonance pulses to the brainirrespective of the truth or proper context of the information aka virtue signalling. For example, Crusades emotionally triggers some Moslems, as does jihad for some Christians. Considering the inordinate number of times Hillary Clinton repeated it, an effective Corman inspired fake news propaganda trigger tied to candidate Donald Trump was evidently pssy and bent wrist duhhh, among others. See. Anonymous. Jan. Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get. WLDX Presents. Guy Penrod, Christmas More Tour By WLDX. Sunday, December 17th, 2017, 3pm at the Earl McDonald Auditorium on the campus of Bevill State Community. MB Whistleblower Reveals Military Mind Control Project BAA 1. ASU 1. 20. 40. 77. Arizona State Universitysecret DARPA Mind Control Project Revealed. See esp. researcher concerns including the whistleblower about possible accusations, page 8 This project is aimed at creating bad technologies like mind control, a narrative ray gun. ORIGINAL POSTAug. Americas founder John Adams said that property and privacy were inviolable precepts if we are to be a free people. Americas Founders believed that a free people could not tolerate a government that confiscated personal property and rummaged through personal effects capriciously. A rogue C. I. A. controlled federal bureaucracy is currently engaged in AGITPROP Agitation Propaganda using invasion of privacy by warrantless surveillance and confiscation of property through regulatory abuse. Matt Murdock Daredevil Matty Doc Mike Mother Teresa The Man in the Mask The Man in Black The Mask Black Mask The Masked Idiot The Devil of Hells Kitchen. Deep states james p. chandler stole leader technologies invention to implement c. i. a. mind control via social networking. AGITPROP uses state controlled news, arts and entertainment to demonize a target before taking him or her out e. By the time that happens, the public has become so dumbed down and fatigued by the lies and misinformation that they dont protect the victim. Agitprop failing propaganda weapon The boy who cried wolf AGITPROP has worked. It has numerous successes like 91. Adolf Hitler, Arab Spring, Afghanistan, Bolshevik Revolution, Bundy Standoff, Gulf of Tonkin, Iraq, ISIS, Kosovo, Kristallnacht, Lewinsky Affair, Libya, Oklahoma City Bombing, Ruby Ridge, Rwanda, Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Syria, Vietnam Antiwar protests, Waco, Watergate, World Trade Center. However, now it has devolved further into the abyss with historically illiterate air head accusations like Bolshevik, Conspiracy Theorist Dangerous, David Duke, Dead, Demogogue, Deranged, Distrubing, Dying, Erratic, Fascist, Fearmonger, Fringe, Garbage, Groper, Grotesque, Homophobe, KKK, Lord Voldemort, Mental, Monstrous, Muddled, Mussolini, Mysogynist, Nazi, Neo Nazi, Nut Job, Pathological, Putins Puppet, Rasict, Russian Agent, Scary, Sexist, Swindler, Tax Cheat, Uncle Tom, Unfit, Unhinged, Vulgar, What e v e r Triggers a Snowflake, White Nationalist, White Supremecist, Womanizer, Wrecking Ball, Xenophobe, Astroturfing fake grassroots comments on blogs and WHATEVER FOOLS THE UNTHINKING, UNINFORMED AND UNSUSPECTING MASSES. Advertisers and the C. I. A. have known about the effectiveness of immoral virtue signaling to trigger the unthinking masses with fabrications for many decades. The only place on the web for Led Zeppelin bootleg specific transcriptions, with tour dateset list info and pictures of venues, tickets, posters, downloads and reviews. Given the way these misanthropes have hurled every adjective in the dictionary against President Donald J. Trump, we can only hope and pray that we may finally be seeing the DEATH OF AGITPROP as an effective weapon of propaganda. Given the lack of an uprising in the general American public to protect their privacy and property from the rogue C. I. A. s warrantless surveillance and property confiscations through regulatory abuse, we can only conclude that, we are actually no longer a free people as we were in our parents generation. The question is Will we wake up before it is too late Fig. 2James P. Chandler, III. Secret spymaster to Bill Clinton, George Bush and Barack Obama as well as Robert Mueller, Rod Rosenstein, Andrew Mc. Cabe, James Comey, Eric Holder, David Kappos, Larry Summers, Hillary Clinton and John Podesta author of the Economic Espionage Act of 1. Federal Trade Secrets Act founder of the National Infrastructure AssuranceAdvisory Council NIAC founder of the IBM Eclipse Foundation chief outside intellectual property counsel to IBM patent attorney and director to Leader Technologies. James P. Chandler IBM wolves in sheeps clothing. Michael Mc. Kibben and Leader Technologiesthe true inventors of social networkingdiscovered that their former patent attorney, James P. Chandler, III, and his client IBM are wolves in sheeps clothing. Mc. Kibben said, Chandler was recommended to us by Maj. Gen. James E. Freeze US Army ret., the former 3 at the NSA. Freeze was our first outside company director in 2. After meeting Chandler in Washington, D. C., just a few blocks from the White House, we engaged Chandler as our patent lawyer and second outside director. We naturally expected him to honor his Constitutional duty and protect our invention. Sadly, he personally stole it. What was so important about our invention that Chandler sacrificed his integrity and honor to steal it Now we know. Chandlers world of rogue C. Daredevil Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki. Real Name. Matthew Michael Murdock. AliasesMatt Murdock. Daredevil. Matty. Doc. Mike. Mother Teresa. The Man in the Mask. The Man in Black. The Mask. Black Mask. The Masked Idiot. The Devil of Hells Kitchen. Devil Man. DRed. Doc. Altar Boy. Blind Bastard. Magoo. Akuma san1Saint Matthew. Our Mutual Friend. Our Friend In The Mask. The Horny One. The Loyal One. A Blind Man Who Can See. Blind Ninja. Devil BoyLadies and gentlemen of the jury, we all know that this city needs help. It needs it now. Not tomorrow, not next week, not when the day comes that the corruption Wilson Fisk left in his wake is flushed out for good and the police force is finally back on its feet. We need it now, because this city has been sick. And the cops, they cant fix it alone. They need we all need men and women willing to take the fight themselves. The kind of people who risk their lives so we can all walk safe at night in our own neighborhoods. The ones our esteemed District Attorney is trying so hard to destroy. New York needs these people. We need heroes. Matt Murdock at Punishers trialsrcMatthew Matt Murdock is a man who was blinded as a young boy, but was gifted with extraordinary senses. After his father was murdered by mobsters, Murdock dedicated his life to fight injustice in New York City as a lawyer by day with his law firm Nelson and Murdock, and by night as a vigilante known as Daredevil. His actions as a crime fighter put Murdock into conflict with a crime lord named Wilson Fisk. Murdock used his skills to expose Fisks criminal activities and have him taken to prison. Daredevils actions in New York City and his strict moral code soon put him into conflict with the Punisher, a vigilante who believed that death was the only punishment for crime. Daredevil was thrown into more turmoil by the return of his old lover Elektra and his former mentor Stick, who attempted to recruit him into their war with the Hand. Murdock eventually managed to find a middle ground with the Punisher while also defeating the Hands member Nobu Yoshioka, although then losing Elektra in the process and watching Nelson and Murdock fall apart as Foggy Nelson still struggled to cope with his. Murdock then retired from his vigilante activities and attempted to live a normal life as pro bono lawyer. However, with the Hand resurrecting Elektra and threatening the city again, Murdock joined fellow vigilantes, Luke Cage, Iron Fist and Jessica Jones to destroy the Hand. After staying behind while the Hands headquarters collapsed, he woke up under the care of nuns. Biography. Early Life. Raised by Jack Murdock. Matt Murdock was born in the 1. Jack Murdock. Jack consistently urged his young son to study hard and make something of himself, so Matt would not end up like him. When Jack returned from boxing matches, Matt would stitch his injuries. During one of these sessions, Jack allowed Matthew to have a drink of scotch, to keep a steady hand. 2 Matthew stayed awake at night listening to sirens, trying to know what they were, creating stories for them. 3BlindedI cant see I cant seeMatt MurdocksrcMurdock at the age of nine is blinded. When he was nine years old, Murdock saved an elderly man from being hit by a RAND Oil Chemicals truck, causing an accident. Hazardous chemicals from the flipped truck splashed on his face and as they were absorbed into his eyes, Murdock was blinded. The last sight he had was of his father trying to comfort him. He screamed in pain and fear when he realized he would never see again. He woke up in the hospital where he found he could hear every sound in the nearby area, causing him pain. His father tried desperately to comfort him. He let his son touch his face so he could recognize that it was him, which seemed to calm him down. Murdock touches his fathers face. Over the next few months, Murdock learned to read Braille and began to control his heightened senses, although he keep them a secret from everyone, even his father. His father continued to work as a boxer despite losing almost all his fights. One day he returned home while Murdock was reading in Braille with severe bruises on his face. He let Matt touch his face and made him promise not to be a boxer like him. One day, while Matt was reading in Fogwells Gym, he overheard his father being offered money to lose his upcoming fight with Carl Creel. Murdock finds his murdered father. Matt listened to his fathers fight with Carl Creel on the television and cheered when his father overcame the odds and won the match. He waited at home for his fathers return but became worried when he did not arrive. Murdock ran to Fogwells Gym and was stopped by a police officer. Murdock managed to push his way past the officer and found his father lying on the street having been murdered by local mobsters. Murdock fell to his knees and begged his father to wake up before crying over his fathers lifeless body. 2Trained by Stick. Murdock with StickConnection, mind, body. The mind controls the body, the body controls our enemies, our enemies control jack shit by the time were done with them. Stick to Matt MurdocksrcWhen his mother failed to take care of him after his fathers death, Murdock was moved to Saint Agnes Orphanage. While there he continued to suffer with his enhanced senses. While still at the Orphanage, Murdock was visited by an old blind man named Stick. Stick knew that Murdocks other senses had been heightened and took him outside for ice cream. While they sat together, Stick asked Murdock what he could understand about nearby people just from listening to them. Stick promised to train Murdock to control and master his gift. Murdock kept the wrapper from his ice cream, planning on giving it to Stick as a present. Murdock is trained by Stick. Stick began a harsh training regime with Murdock, often pushing an emotional response from him to teach him to control his anger. Over the next few months and years, Murdock became a powerful fighter with almost complete control of his blindness. During one of their training sessions, Murdock gave Stick the wrapper from his ice cream, having made it into a bracelet. Stick crushed it in his hand and told him he could no longer train him. Stick left and Murdock would not see him again for many years. 5Law School. Meeting Foggy Nelson. Murdocks first encounter with Foggy NelsonMost people dance around me like Im made of glass, I hate that. Yeah youre just a guy rightA really, really good looking guy. I mean girls must love that, the whole wounded handsome duck thing, am I rightYeah, its been known to happen. Matt Murdock and Foggy NelsonsrcAs a young adult, Murdock gained a place at Columbia University Law School. He arrived in his room and introduced himself to his new roommate Foggy Nelson. Nelson had heard of Murdock, as he remembered what had happened to him as a child. Murdock and Nelson immediately formed a strong relationship and Nelson often joked about his blindness while Murdock would tease Nelson about many of his poor life choices, such as his decision to take a course in Punjabi simply to get close to a girl. Escapades with Elektra. Elektra Natchios and Murdocks first encounterI think the games just beginning, because despite your tequilas and charm school manners, despite being richer than god and having the whole world at your fingertips, youre just bored. ReallyBored enough to spend your time studying a strangers shoes. Matt Murdock and ElektrasrcMurdock and Foggy Nelson decided to crash a debutantes ball, through the kitchen, where they were welcomed by the disgruntled waiters. Later, Murdock decided to check out the party, where he sensed a very attractive woman. Before he could meet her, he was approached by one of the bodyguards, who discovered that he was a crasher. However, before he could kick Murdock out, the woman, Elektra Natchios, declared that he was with her. Murdock and Elektra Natchios steal a car.