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Volume 1. 6 Chapter 1 – Japtem. This chapter was brought to you by An, Anmesic. Cat, Grisia, Haikai, Lastear, and Lei. Wanted. Within the Embinyu Church temple, Dark Knights were taking their positions in an orderly manner. The armor of the Knights on display was made of Mithril and Adamantium, shining like jewels as if they had never been used before. The floor was soft and luxurious, covered with the highest grade of carpeting, and on the ceiling was a chandelier made of finely cut emeralds and sapphires.“The ritual failed?
Even the tools necessary for the ritual were stolen?”The Priests and Dark Knights bowed their heads before the rebuke of the Pontifex of the Embinyu Church 1. Sect, Feylord.“We are ashamed, Feylord- nim.”The Pontifex, Feylord, was obesely fat, and his face was covered by his upturned robe. However, the golden Embinyu statue of their evil God stood out prominently behind the Pontifex. It was a figure holding a different weapon in each of its 1. Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Dragons, and other races.
The golden statue, which exuded revulsion, was lightly shrouded in something like a gloomy fog.“Mobilize all our forces to kill the man who interfered in our activity. Also, be sure to recover the items of the Matallost Church he took.”“We obey the Pontifex- nim’s command.”The Dark Knights and Priests bowed deeply at the waist. Ding!– You are an enemy of the Embinyu church! The Embinyu Church is a merciless group worshiping the most destructive and despicable evil God. Because they do not stop at any method or means for seizure and propagation, their relationship with the other Churches in Versailles continent was to the point where they would not share one hands- breadth of land or one sip of water. The 1. 1th Sect of the Embinyu Church has publicly declared enmity against the man who interfered in their ritual and has mobilized pursuers.
Formation of the Pursuers: 1. Intermediate Dark Knights. Priests. 10. 0 Soldiers. Weed- nim, you are wanted by the Embinyu Church. Pursuers will be on the chase for your trail.

Along with the message window, Weed could see an image of what had happened within the Embinyu Church.“Pursuers…. If one’s notoriety for murder became extremely high, there were cases where the Kingdom sent pursuers. The Adjustment Bureau Movie Watch Online. Those pursuers came chasing the trails fairly quickly. Even if the first group fails, a second wave of pursuers will quickly follow.
The next group of pursuers will higher numbers and superior skills. It was virtually impossible to escape from a group of pursuers!
He would definitely be caught at some point. Even if his movement speed was fast, or if he was a Thief or an Assassin with ‘Stealth’, it would only make a minimal difference on how long he can run. As the number of pursuers accumulated, outstanding Thieves or Assassins would join the group. Weed decided to think positively.“I did expect something like this was going to happen at some point.”It was due to good fortune nothing like this had happened to him until now! Since he had accumulated many resentful relationships while solving quests, getting chased wasn’t surprising. Anyway, accomplishing the quest here came first, since it was a chain quests with countless enormous rewards. By Weed’s side were the useful Bingryong, Phoenixes, and Yellowy.
They are out to KILL. And I've got proof. There is a solution for it. And I’ve got proof. Some get it. Some don’t. Edem gets it. That's.
Not only were the Guardian Knights of the Matallost Church unable to leave the area around the River of Lamentation, but they couldn’t follow him to complete the quest because it was their duty to protect the Church’s temple.* * *Once Bingryong entered the scene, the Phoenixes lowered their wings and bowed. Proper treatment to an elder brother! Yellowy also displayed obedience, like a docile Korean cow. Bingryong swelled with self- importance.“You guys are working hard.”“Not at all, senior. We are merely utilizing the path you have already cleared.”Yellowy acted especially friendly.“So you understand. In our time, we always listened intently to the words of our seniors.”“Please tell us the ways of life and what we must do to endure living under our particularly evil master.”Bingryong was greatly satisfied by the seniority treatment and told them the absolutely necessary information for living.“No matter how hungry you are, you must eat cautiously. Never eat around the master.
You’ll be abused for eating a lot. You must not recklessly eat meat dropped from any prey. You have to give the tasty and fresh meat to be sold.”Yellowy and the Phoenixes understood and nodded their heads in sympathy.“In the end, we have to live while only eating the food the master gives? When can we eat tasty meat?”“You have to eat in secret. Be it hillock or hollow, you must fill your belly in such a place.
The master has a talent for constantly keeping us hungry. Jeez. Does a boat get lazy if you fill it with oil? Make sure you eat properly.”“As expected of our senior.”“This is the wisdom I learned in life.
You guys will also come to know it all with the passing of time, but I’m telling you beforehand so you don’t suffer. There are also times when you hunt with the master, right?”“There are many occasions. We want some time to ourselves, but he always drags us along.”“Watch out for japtem. He gets edgy when there’s less japtem drop.
On such days, it’s good to not stand out and you have to pretend you’re hunting diligently.”“Ooh, so that’s how it is!”“He becomes extremely happy when a weapon or armor drops. Even if he was irritated just five minutes ago, he laughs mirthfully. When that happens, you must get close to him and imprint your presence.”“Why?”“We must flaunt our roles to him. With how much he nitpicks and abuses…”This was vital information for a peaceful existence! Watch Monkeys, Go Home! Online.
Bingryong fully did his part as their senior.* * *Weed took out the symbol of the Matallost Church, the Statue of Death, to do the follow up of the chain quest. The Statue of Death opened its mouth.
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- In year 200X, a black hole that would later be called “hellhole” appeared in the center of Japan. Shortly thereafter all contact between Japanese archipelago and.
- This chapter was brought to you by An, AnmesicCat, Grisia, Haikai, Lastear, and Lei.
In a place close to hell, the Matallost Church made a promise with three tribes. Watch The Rough House Online Iflix. It was a promised alliance to fight together against any enemy that threatens them. In order the take up the promised alliance, you need the Cane symbolizing the token of the alliance.
Take the Cane and persuade those tribes. Do your best to avoid pursuers and escape. Ding! Alliance of the Deliverers (1)In order to retaliate against the Embinyu Church, you need the alliance contracted 1. However, your task to persuade the descendants of these tribes will not be simple, because all of the people concerning the alliance are long dead.
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