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Top news at this hour. Hitman Full Movie there. Indian shuttler PV Sindhu accused the ground staff of Indi.
Go airlines of behaving rudely to her on a flight from Hyderabad to Mumbai. Sindhu tweeted, ‘Sorry to say . E 6. 08 flight to bombay on 4th nov the ground staff by name Mr ajeetesh’. Adding to her rant, Sindhu went on to share a screenshot detailing her horrific experience. In another tweet, she said, ‘Ground staff (skipper) Mr ajeetesh behaved very badly and rudely with me. When the air hostess Ms Ashima tried to advise him to behave properly with the passenger (me) but to my surprise he behaved very rudely with her. If these types of people work for a reputed (sic) airline like indigo they will spoil their reputation @Indi.
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Go. 6E’. However, the airlines defended their employee, claiming that the shuttler was carrying an oversized baggage which wasn't fitting into an overhead bin. Watch for more.. .