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Writers Guild of America strike. The WGAE and WGAW labor unions represent film, television, and radio writers working in the United States. All 1. 2,0. 00 screenwriters and TV writers in the guild were part of the strike[1] which started on November 5, 2. February 1. 2, 2. The strike sought increased funding for the writers in comparison to the profits of the larger studios.
Soon, when computers and your TV are connected, that's how we're all going to watch. Okay? Those residuals are going to go from what they are towards zero if we don't. Many articles and online tracts promoting the KJV and arguing against the use of modern versions. Las mejores listas de canales online y remotas para tu tv. Sube estas listas m3u y podrás ver tu tv por internet online desde donde quieras. Another fascinating Saturday look at scientology from Terra Cognita. PTS in Scientology: Bug or Baddie? L. Ron Hubbard wrote that all sickness, accidents and injuries.
It was targeted at the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP), a trade organization representing the interests of 3. American film and television producers.[4] The most influential of these are eleven corporations: CBS (headed by Les Moonves), MGM (Harry E. Sloan), NBCUniversal (Jeffrey Zucker), The Weinstein Company (Harvey and Bob Weinstein), Lionsgate (Jon Feltheimer), News Corp/Fox (Peter Chernin), Paramount Pictures (Brad Grey), Anchor Bay/Liberty Media/Starz (Chris Mc.
Gurk), Sony Pictures (Michael Lynton), the Walt Disney Company (Robert Iger), and Warner Bros. Barry Meyer).[5]Negotiators for the striking writers reached a tentative agreement on February 8, 2. February 1. 0, 2.
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Striking writers voted on February 1. On February 2. 6, the WGA announced that the contract had been ratified with a 9.

WGA members.[8] The Writers Guild later requested a court order seeking that the agreement be honored and implemented. The guilds were on strike for 1. In contrast, the previous strike in 1.
Guild, lasted 2. 1 weeks and 6 days (1. American entertainment industry an estimated $5. Watch Last Man Standing Season 3 Online Free.
According to a National Public Radio (NPR) report filed on February 1. Los Angeles an estimated $1. A report from the UCLA Anderson School of Management put the loss at $3. Jack Kyser put the loss at $2. The resolution of the strike was unclear: while they lost out on short- term deals, they received a new percentage payment on the distributor’s gross for digital distribution based on the deal that the DGA made during the strike.[1.
Issues in the strike[edit]We are ready to meet at any time and remain committed to reaching a fair and reasonable deal that keeps the industry working, but the DVD issue is a roadblock to these negotiations. AMPTP president Nick Counter[1. Every issue that matters to writers, including Internet reuse, original writing for new media, DVDs, and jurisdiction, has been ignored. This is completely unacceptable.
WGA Negotiating Committee[1. Every three years, the Writers Guild negotiates a new basic contract with the AMPTP by which its members are employed.
This contract is called the Minimum Basic Agreement (MBA).[1. In 2. 00. 7, negotiations over the MBA reached an impasse and the WGA membership voted to give its board authorization to call a strike, which it did on Friday, November 2, 2. Monday, November 5, 2.
Among the many proposals from both sides regarding the new contract, there were several key issues of contention including DVD residuals, union jurisdiction over animation and reality program writers, and compensation for "new media" (content written for or distributed through emerging digital technology such as the Internet).[1. DVD residuals[edit]Background[edit]In 1. Writers Guild went on strike over the home video market, which was then small and primarily consisted of distribution via video tape. At that time, the entertainment companies argued home video was an "unproven" market, with an expensive delivery channel (manufacturing VHS and Betamax tapes, and to a much smaller extent, Laser. Disc). Movies were selling in the range of between $4. Guild accepted a formula in which a writer would receive a small percentage (0. As manufacturing costs for video tapes dropped dramatically and the home video market exploded, writers came to feel they had been shortchanged by this deal.[1.
DVDs debuted in 1. VHS format, outselling VHS for the first time on the week of June 1.
The previous VHS residual formula continued to apply to DVDs. Prior to the strike, the home video market had become the major source of revenue for the movie studios. In April 2. 00. 4, the New York Times reported the companies made $4. January and March.[2. Proposals[edit]WGA members argued that a writer's residuals are a necessary part of a writer's income that is typically relied upon during periods of unemployment common in the writing industry. The WGA requested a doubling of the residual rate for DVD sales, which would result in a residual of 0.
DVD sold.[2. 1]The AMPTP maintained that studios' DVD income was necessary to offset rising production and marketing costs.[1. They further insisted that the current DVD formula (0. Writers Guild. The WGA provisionally removed the increased DVD residual request from the table, in an effort to avert a strike and on the understanding of certain concessions by the AMPTP, the night before the strike began. However, after the strike began, WGAW President Patric M. Verrone wrote that the membership exhibited "significant disappointment and even anger" when they learned of the proposed removal of the request; and Verrone also wrote that, since the removal of the increased DVD residual request was contingent on concessions by the AMPTP which did not happen, the writers would and should continue to "fight to get our fair share of the residuals of the future."[2. Conclusion[edit]There was no change to the calculation of DVD residuals.[2.
New media[edit]Driven by the then- recent contract between Viacom and the creators of South Park,[2. Internet downloads, IPTV, streaming, smart phone programming, straight- to- Internet content, and other "on- demand" online distribution methods, along with video on demand on cable and satellite television.[2. Background[edit]Prior to the strike, the WGA had no arrangement with the companies regarding the use of content online, and two models of Internet distribution are currently being negotiated.
The first is "electronic sell- through" (also known as "Internet sales" or "digital sell- through"). In electronic sell- through, the consumer purchases a copy of the program and downloads it to a local storage device for subsequent viewing at their convenience. Examples include movies and television shows purchased through the i. Tunes Store and Amazon Video on Demand. In the second model, "streaming video", the consumer watches a program in real time as it is transmitted to their computer but is usually not saved.
Current examples of this model include advertising- supported television programs streamed free to the audience, such as those available at nbc. In either case, the program may be viewed directly on a computer or on a traditional television via media distribution devices (e.
Ti. Vo). The convenience of both these technologies lowers the barriers to entry into the digital distribution marketplace making it more accessible to mainstream consumers. It was widely expected by industry observers that new media would eventually supplant both DVD in the home video market and television in the broadcasting market as the primary means for distribution.[2. As in the mid- 1. However, feeling resentment from the 2. WGA members remained adamant that whatever deal they made for new media, it could not resemble the DVD formula. New media was widely seen by most WGA writers as the central issue for the strike. Writer- director Craig Mazin (Scary Movie 3) has dubbed new media "the One Issue" that matters.[3.
This sentiment was further articulated by a self- described "skeptic", writer Howard Gould, at a meeting of the full WGA membership the night before the strike date was announced. He said, to a standing ovation: “Soon, when computers and your TV are connected, that's how we're all going to watch. Okay? Those residuals are going to go from what they are towards zero if we don't make a stand now. This is such a big issue that if they see us roll over on this without making a stand - three years from now, they're gonna be back for something else.