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Ask Pastor John. Listen to John Piper answer tough theological and pastoral questions. Look at the Book. Watch John Piper mark the text on the screen, and learn to.

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Watch The Throwaways Youtube

God: Refuge for His People, Exalted Among the Nations. Almost everywhere Jesus went, crowds gathered to hear him or to. And when he saw the crowds, he had compassion on.

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Watch The Throwaways Youtube

Listed alphabetically and continually updated. Annotations ongoing. Updated 12/1/14. This is a list of original web series — most of them “scripted” — focused.

On one of these occasions he turned and said to his. The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest". Matthew 9: 3. 6–3.

A Great Harvest of Hurting Sheep. One of the remarkable facts of our time is the massive migration. They come trying to find a better life. North. Africans to Paris, Vietnamese to Hong Kong, Salvadoreans to Los. Angeles. Refugees from wars, victims of racism, rural poverty, or. Sometimes political exiles and sometimes just.

Combine this with the ever- growing throng of children (the lambs. Then add the reality that for most of them (the sheep and the. Add to this the fact that not all the harassed and helpless.

Christ. These realities pose a very serious question for us who sit here. Watch Loser Mediafire. The question is. this: What is life for in this age before Jesus comes? What should. we do with our lives?

Does the misery and lostness of most of the. Do we look upon the misery of the nations with. Jesus did, like sheep. The harvest is great but the laborers. An Age of Misery and Lostness. In Afghanistan the life expectancy of men is 3.

In Guinea. 3. 8, Ethiopia 3. Mozambique and Congo 4. Nigeria 4. 6. In America it.

Japan 7. 5. There are 8. Bible, can't read a. The number is. increasing, not decreasing. Between 1. 96. 0 and 1.

In the world today, one out of every three deaths is the death. In America there are 5. In India, with three and a half times the number of.

In the entire country of Mozambique where Quintin and Debbie. Reece are going, with 1. In Guinea where our Maninka. David Barrett, the world's leading authority on missions. International Bulletin of Missionary Research, vol. Jan. 1. 99. 1) that 2. Christianity, Christ, and the gospel.

That's 1. 2 billion people in. King Jesus to go and make disciples of all. Less than 9% of all Christian missionaries are targeting the. Less than 1% of the income.

Christian world is spent on reaching the unreached. What Are We to Do with Our Lives?

The question this raises is: What is our life for in this age of. Jesus come? What are we to do with our. What are we here for? Last Sunday night Bill Waldrop gave a powerful message on "The.

Glory of God and You." He quoted some of Jesus' final words to his. Father from John 1. Jesus said to his Father, "I glorified you. Waldrop said, "I want to be able to say that same thing when my. I have glorified you on earth, having.

That hit me with. And my heart said, "Yes, Lord, that's what I want.

I want to live my life in this age of massive misery. I die, I can look up from my bed, not. Jesus my Savior, and.

I have glorified you, Father, on earth, having accomplished. From Success to Significance. Waldrop said that he has spent a lot of time in his career. He said that he has noticed that somewhere around. The question. stops being so much one of success and becomes more and more one of. Men start to realize that, as the end of their lives.

Have I been a success?" starts to seem. Has my life been.

Have I spent my time on the things that matter. One of my goals this morning is to get you to ask that. This is not an easy question. I don't think God means for it to. I think God means for us to be on our faces before him. He means for children, as soon as they know Christ as Lord and. Savior, to be praying: "Jesus, I will go anywhere and do anything.

Just show me and help me. I want my life to count. He means for adults, in every vocation, to pray, "Speak, Lord. I am willing to stay in this job for. And I am willing to be deployed in a totally new. But whatever you do, Lord, don't let me.

Don't let me live for. Christ and without hope. Let me. accomplish the work that you gave me to do for your glory.". Life is very short.

James says, "What is your life? You are a. mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes" (James.

And eternity is very long. Are you living your life as. Or. are you living your life as though it were the only chance you will. Our Need for Stillness and Reflection. One of the reasons we invest our lives in some insignificant. We are always on the move. Always in a hurry.

Or. when we do stop, we flip on the radio or the TV and let somebody. Psalm 4. 6: 1. 0 says, "Be still [or cease striving, cease hurrying. I am God. I am [or: will be, it's. I will be exalted in. What that text says is that the life- revolutionizing impact of. God's supremacy in the world and his inevitable triumph over the. God. GOD hits home in the stillness.

If you want your life to be. TV and the radio, and get alone, and be quiet, and. God's universal triumph take hold of you. Stillness and Quietness, Seven Miles Above the Earth. The great, significant realities in life grip us in moments of. Lord. This happens to me when I leave home and. I am alone, especially flying on an airplane.

Friday night I flew. Boston. So I had about two and a half hours, seven miles. Minneapolis looked very small and the sky. And I felt again the overwhelming emotion. I will be in the presence of Jesus. I will. give an account to God for my life. And my remaining years seemed.

I had just spent the day on Thursday visiting Northampton, MA. Jonathan Edwards preached for 2. Stockbridge where. Indians for eight years and wrote The Freedom of.

Will and Original Sin and The End for Which God Created the. World; and South Windsor, CT, where he was born. I saw a huge oak. I knew it. had to be as old as the early 1.

Jonathan Edwards had. And in the plane it was a profound thought that Edwards is gone. He knew how to be still. God is God. Scarcely anyone in American history has. A Time To Kill Full Movie.

God is God. He left behind a tremendous legacy of. God- exalting faithfulness. In the stillness of those moments in the plane (and some more. I only mention. this because I hope it might stir you up to take stock here at the.

Missions Fest to see if God is willing a mid- course. What came clear in the stillness was at least this much: I want. God- centered sons; I want to leave behind a.

I want to leave behind a. Christ- exalting, radically obedient. God- enjoying church; and I want to leave behind a written testimony. God, and the supremacy of God, and the beauty of God. God in all of life. And to that end I want to.

God. If you let yourself be still this morning and know that God is. God, that he will be exalted among the nations, that his kingdom is. God will make your. God Is Your Refuge and Strength. And you will follow his lead if you believe that he is your.